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Explaining RVUs to physicians


recruiters and a physician with a sign showing physician RVUs Posted by Megan Trippi
recruiters and a physician with a sign showing physician RVUs

Understanding the concept of Relative Value Units (RVUs) can be confusing but is important for both physicians and those who recruit them. Your ability to explain RVUs effectively can have a significant impact on attracting and retaining top medical talent.

What are RVUs?

At its core, an RVU - or Relative Value Unit - is a key metric used to measure the value of healthcare services provided by physicians. These units are part of the resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS), a system used by Medicare and other payers to determine the reimbursement rates for medical services.

Components of RVUs

To comprehensively understand RVUs, it’s essential to break them down into their three main components:

Work RVUs (wRVUs)

These RVUs account for the physician’s effort, time, skill and intensity required to perform a particular service. Essentially, they measure the “work” involved in providing medical care. You should explain to physicians that services with higher wRVUs typically correspond to more complex and time-consuming tasks.

Practice Expense RVUs (PE RVUs)

The PE RVUs cover the overhead costs associated with running a medical practice. These include expenses like rent, utilities, medical supplies and administrative staff salaries. It’s important for physicians to understand these RVUs are associated with the practice’s cost of doing business and can vary based on location and practice type.

Malpractice RVUs (MP RVUs)

MP RVUs reflect the cost of malpractice insurance associated with a specific medical service. Physicians should recognize that services with higher MP RVUs typically have a greater risk of malpractice claims, hence higher insurance costs.

RVUs and compensation

Now that we’ve broken down the components of RVUs let’s explore how physicians’ compensation is linked to these units. Physicians are often compensated based on the RVUs they generate. This means the more services they provide and the higher the RVU values associated with those services, the more they can potentially earn.

As a physician recruiter, it’s essential to communicate this connection to prospective candidates. Physicians should consider their specialization, patient volume and geographic location when evaluating the potential compensation offered by a position.

Benefits of RVUs for physicians

Physicians should understand RVUs play a pivotal role in their professional life. Knowing how to maximize their RVUs can lead to increased compensation and career growth. Here are some essential points to communicate to physicians:

Financial incentives

Emphasize that understanding RVUs can help them identify opportunities for financial growth within their practice. Encourage them to seek out positions that align with their skillset and have a robust RVU compensation structure.

Career growth

Explain that tracking their RVUs can also serve as a tool for assessing their career progression. As they gain experience and become more efficient, their RVU production may increase, which can open doors to leadership roles or higher-paying positions.

Quality of care

Remind physicians that while RVUs are an important aspect of their compensation, the quality of care they provide should always be their top priority. Encourage them to balance productivity with patient-centered care.

The role of RVUs in recruitment

When recruiting physicians, integrating RVU discussions into your conversations can set you apart as a knowledgeable and transparent recruiter. Here are some tips:

Tailored information

Provide candidates with information on the specific RVU structure of the position you’re offering. Be transparent about how their compensation will be calculated and the potential for growth based on RVUs.

Geographic considerations

Highlight how geographic location can influence RVUs due to variations in cost of living and patient demographics.

Practice type

Explain how RVUs differ between practice settings. For example, academic medical centers may have a different RVU structure compared to private practices.

Mentorship opportunities

Mention any mentorship opportunities within your organization that can help physicians develop their RVU generation skills.

Explaining RVUs to physicians is essential when aiming to attract top talent. By helping physicians understand RVUs, you can build trust and work with them to make informed career decisions. Remember that a well-informed physician is not only an asset to your organization but also to the patients they serve.


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