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Promoting organizational wellness


Even before the pandemic, alarm bells Were ringing about burnout in health care. Thankfully, the pandemic has receded from view. And though it amplified the burden of burnout on physicians, one very positive result came out of that traumatic experience: more attention to physician wellness. You’re likely going to field candidate questions about your wellness efforts. Here are a few thoughts on how to answer. Avoid a focus on "resilience" With so much at stake and such a complex problem, it’s not surprising that burnout and physician wellness stymied many organizations at first. Un....


Read PracticeLink articles by Laurie Morgan Laurie Morgan, MBA

Supporting pregnant physicians


Being pregnant isn’t easy - even under ideal circumstances. As a physician recruiter, supporting pregnant physicians is crucial, not only in terms of retaining top talent but also in fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. Your role extends beyond simply filling positions; you also need to understand the unique challenges expecting physicians face and provide the necessary support to ensure their success. Let’s explore supporting pregnant physicians throughout their pregnancy, maternity leave and return to work.  Understanding the unique challenges of practici....


Read articles by Jackie Farley Jackie Farley

Supportive work environments and physician wellbeing


The emphasis on supportive work environments and physician wellbeing has become increasingly critical. As medical professionals navigate the complexities of their duties, the support they receive within their work settings plays a pivotal role in their ability to provide quality care, maintain their own health and achieve a sustainable work-life balance. The impact of supportive work environments The concept of supportive work environments encompasses a range of factors, including the physical workspace, the organizational culture, access to resources and interpersonal relationships among staf....


Read PracticeLink articles by Megan Trippi Megan Trippi

Integrating wellness practices as physician recruiters


While it may seem that integrating wellness practices and general mindfulness into a doctor’s daily routine is the sole responsibility of the physician, there is actually a case to be made for the physician recruiter playing an essential role in the overall wellbeing of a physician as well. The best recruiters realize their role extends beyond the simple, successful placement of a candidate. While the recruiter must certainly prepare the physician candidate in the professional sense, they can also aid in helping provide the tools for the candidate to inhabit a healthy mind space outside ....


Read PracticeLink articles from Stephen Leggitt Stephen Leggitt

Supporting work-life balance as a physician recruiter


In the fast-paced world of healthcare, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for physician candidates to thrive in both their personal and professional lives. Physician recruiters can support work-life balance for candidates and guide them toward opportunities that align with their lifestyle needs. Here are ways  to help candidates maintain work-life balance in their profession: Create a line of communication Begin by creating an open and honest line of communication with the candidates. Take time to understand their unique priorities, whether it’s flexible scheduli....


Jackie Farley

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