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How to expedite the licensing and credentialing process


One of the most significant barriers in bringing skilled physicians to your organization is the often lengthy and bureaucratic licensing and credentialing process. Physicians, eager to start practicing, may become frustrated with delays, leading them to consider alternative opportunities. To remain competitive, you’ll want to know how to expedite the licensing and credentialing process. Here are 13 steps to accomplish it: Start early and plan ahead The key to expediting the licensing and credentialing process is to begin early. The moment you identify a potential candidate, initiate th....


Read PracticeLink articles by Megan Trippi Megan Trippi

How to help physicians with licensing and credentialing


One of the most critical aspects of the recruitment process is helping physicians navigate the intricate world of licensing and credentialing. Your role goes beyond simply matching candidates with job opportunities; it also involves guiding them through the often-overwhelming process of obtaining the necessary licenses and credentials to practice. The importance of licensing and credentialing Before delving into the specifics of how to assist physicians with licensing and credentialing, it’s essential to recognize why these processes are so crucial. Licensing and credentialing are the fo....


Read PracticeLink articles by Megan Trippi Megan Trippi

Navigating the latest licensing and credentialing updates


With the onset of COVID-19, it might feel like much of what you once knew about licensing and credentialing has shifted. For the sake of simplifying your process and providing the best possible candidate experience, you’ll want to stay informed about these updates and how they’ll impact the way you and your prospects navigate the specifics. Immigration If you’ve recruited internationally before, you know the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) requires verification of an applicant’s medical education credentials, including the final medical sch....


Read PracticeLink articles by Alexandra Cappetta Alexandra Cappetta

Recruiter tips for a smoother licensing and credentialing process


Licensing and credentialing conversations can be the most challenging to navigate for both candidates and recruiters. For the best results as you approach this step of recruitment, take note of recent changes caused by the pandemic and brush up on these best practices: Review the basics Before starting work, physicians must provide documents and complete forms that rival daily electronic medical record documentation. It’s a good idea to remind yourself of the following common areas that include vital elements for employment credentials and hospital privileges: Basic demographic informati....


Read PracticeLink articles by Alexandra Cappetta Alexandra Cappetta

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