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How to expedite the licensing and credentialing process


Recruiter Site Posted by Megan Trippi
Recruiter Site

One of the most significant barriers in bringing skilled physicians to your organization is the often lengthy and bureaucratic licensing and credentialing process. Physicians, eager to start practicing, may become frustrated with delays, leading them to consider alternative opportunities. To remain competitive, you’ll want to know how to expedite the licensing and credentialing process.

Here are 13 steps to accomplish it:

  1. Start early and plan ahead

The key to expediting the licensing and credentialing process is to begin early. The moment you identify a potential candidate, initiate the process. This proactive approach will ensure you don’t waste valuable time waiting for documents or responses from various authorities. Creating a well-organized checklist of required documents and credentials specific to your facility can significantly speed up the process.

  1. Communicate

Efficient communication is essential throughout the licensing and credentialing process. Maintain open and transparent communication channels with both the candidate and the relevant licensing and credentialing agencies. Keep the candidate informed about the progress and any requirements they need to fulfill. Simultaneously, regularly follow up with the authorities to avoid delays caused by miscommunication.

  1. Use technology and software solutions

In today’s digital age, there are numerous software solutions and platforms available that can help streamline the process. These tools can assist in tracking and managing the candidate’s documentation, automating verification requests and reducing the potential for errors. Utilizing such technology can significantly expedite the process.

  1. Delegate responsibilities

Assign specific responsibilities to team members to ensure a smooth and efficient process. Designate someone to oversee document collection, verification and communication with candidates. This division of labor can prevent bottlenecks and ensure each aspect of the process is managed efficiently.

  1. Verify credentials

Before initiating the official credentialing process, consider pre-verifying the candidate’s credentials. This preliminary check can help you identify any potential issues or discrepancies that may slow down the process later. It allows you to address any concerns and gather missing information in advance.

  1. Streamline the interview process

Make your interview process as efficient as possible. This includes scheduling interviews promptly and ensuring all decision makers are available during the interview sessions. A delayed interview process can lead to delays in making a job offer, which can impact the overall timeline.

  1. Collaborate with licensing boards and authorities

Establish strong relationships with the licensing boards and authorities in the states where you operate. These relationships can be beneficial when you need to expedite the process. Having a direct point of contact or a liaison at these agencies can help you navigate the system more effectively.

  1. Leverage temporary licenses

In some cases, you can expedite the process by securing a temporary license for the physician. Temporary licenses can allow the physician to begin practicing while the full licensing and credentialing process is completed. It’s essential to check the regulations in your state and work with the candidate to ensure compliance.

  1. Monitor the process closely

Stay actively engaged in the process by monitoring it closely. Regularly check the status of applications and follow up on any delays or issues promptly. This proactive approach can help identify and address potential obstacles in a timely manner.

  1. Encourage candidates to be proactive

While much of the licensing and credentialing process is under your control, encourage candidates to be proactive in providing required documentation and promptly responding to verification requests. The more cooperative and responsive the candidate, the smoother the process will be.

  1. Consider a Credentialing Verification Organization

Credentialing Verification Organizations (CVOs) specialize in verifying and processing physician credentials. These third-party services can help expedite the process by streamlining the verification of education, training, licenses, and other critical information.

  1. Stay informed about regulatory changes

Laws and regulations regarding physician licensing and credentialing can change over time. Staying informed about these changes is crucial to ensure compliance and expedite the process. Join industry associations and networks to keep abreast of the latest developments.

  1. Prepare for onboarding

Prepare the onboarding process well in advance. Once the candidate receives the necessary credentials, make sure their integration into the facility is smooth and efficient. Having a well-structured onboarding process can help the physician start practicing sooner.


With these strategies in place, you can streamline the process and secure top medical talent for your facility more quickly and effectively.


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