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December 19, 2023

Onboarding steps for physician recruiters

Congratulations, you’ve successfully recruited a new physician to join your team! While the recruitment process is undeniably a major milestone, the journey doesn’t end there. The onboarding phase is a critical bridge between hiring and sustained success.

Here are some onboarding steps for physician recruiters to take to successfully integrate new hires into your organization:


The moment a physician accepts an offer, clear and consistent communication becomes paramount. Reach out promptly with a personalized welcome message, detailing next steps and providing essential information about the onboarding process.

Prepare an onboarding package

Compile a detailed onboarding package containing essential documents, including employment contracts, benefits information and any other pertinent paperwork. Ensure the physician has easy access to this package before their start date, allowing them ample time to review and seek clarification on any questions.

Coordinate a smooth first day

The first day is pivotal in shaping a physician’s perception of your organization. Plan a warm welcome by organizing a comprehensive orientation session. This should include introductions to key team members, a tour of the facilities and an overview of the organization’s mission, values and culture.

Facilitate integration

Foster a sense of belonging by facilitating introductions and interactions with team members. Assign a buddy or mentor to help the new physician acclimate to the team dynamics. Encourage social interactions and team-building activities to establish strong interpersonal connections, laying the foundation for a collaborative work environment.

Provide training

Offer a robust training program that addresses both the clinical and administrative aspects of the physician’s role. This may involve shadowing opportunities, hands-on training and access to relevant educational resources.

Emphasize culture

Immerse the physician in your organization’s culture. Share information about the organization’s history, values and long-term goals. Encourage participation in organizational events, committees and initiatives.

Perform check ins and ask for feedback

Implement a schedule of regular check ins to gauge the physician’s experience during the onboarding process. This provides an opportunity for open communication, allowing the new hire to express concerns or seek clarification on any aspects of their role.

Offer professional development opportunities

Support the physician’s ongoing professional growth by providing access to continuous education, workshops and conferences. Demonstrating a commitment to their professional development not only enhances job satisfaction but also showcases your organization as invested in the long-term success of its healthcare professionals.

Address work-life balance

Recognize the importance of work-life balance and incorporate discussions about wellness into the onboarding process. Provide resources and information on programs that support mental and physical well-being.


Periodically assess the effectiveness of your onboarding program by gathering feedback from physicians. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and adjust to enhance the onboarding experience continually. A flexible and adaptive approach ensures your onboarding process evolves to meet the changing needs of your physicians and organization.


The post-hiring phase is a crucial juncture that determines the trajectory of a physician’s career within your organization. By following these essential onboarding steps for physician recruiters, you can create a nurturing and supportive environment that not only integrates new hires seamlessly but also contributes to their long-term success.


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Megan Trippi

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