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The power of a positive physician onboarding process


positive physician onboarding images Posted by Megan Trippi
positive physician onboarding images

The search for talented healthcare professionals is a costly and time-consuming process, making it crucial for organizations to retain newly hired physicians for the long term. One of the key strategies to achieve this goal is the implementation of a positive onboarding process.

Physician retention

High turnover rates among physicians not only impact patient care and the continuity of healthcare services but also have substantial financial implications. The cost of recruiting, hiring and training new physicians is a substantial investment. When physicians leave shortly after being hired, these costs can quickly add up.

Physician turnover can have a detrimental effect on the morale of the remaining staff who have to shoulder the burden of additional workload and adapt to working with new team members frequently. In this context, it is vital your organization to take proactive measures to ensure physician retention. One of those measures is the implementation of a positive onboarding process.

The role of a positive onboarding process

A positive onboarding process can significantly impact physician retention rates by creating an environment where hires feel valued, integrated and motivated. It begins the moment a candidate accepts an offer and continues through their first few months on the job. Here’s how a positive onboarding process can lead to better retention:

Welcoming and engaging experience

The onboarding process sets the tone for a physician’s tenure at a healthcare organization. When new hires have a welcoming and engaging experience, they are more likely to feel a strong connection to their workplace and colleagues. Starting on a positive note fosters a sense of belonging and motivates them to stay and contribute to the organization’s success.

Faster integration

A well-structured onboarding process ensures new hires can quickly integrate into their roles and the healthcare team. It provides them with the necessary tools, resources and information to adapt to their new environment efficiently. This not only reduces the stress associated with starting a new job but also enables physicians to start making a positive impact sooner.

Clear expectations

During the onboarding process, clear expectations and objectives should be communicated to new hires. Providers who understand their roles and performance expectations from the beginning are more likely to feel confident and empowered. This clarity can result in a higher level of job satisfaction and retention.

Mentorship and support

Pairing new physicians with experienced mentors can be a valuable part of the onboarding process. Having a mentor to provide guidance, answer questions and offer support is an invaluable resource for new hires. It helps them navigate the challenges of their new position and fosters a sense of community within the organization.

Training and development opportunities

A positive onboarding process should also include opportunities for continuous learning and professional development. Physicians who see a commitment to their growth within the organization are more likely to stay longer. Providing access to training and educational resources can not only enhance their skill set but also increase their job satisfaction and loyalty.

Feedback and communication

Regular feedback and open lines of communication are essential for physician retention. The onboarding process should include mechanisms for feedback from both the new physician and their supervisors. This ensures any issues or concerns can be addressed promptly, helping to prevent potential retention problems.


A positive onboarding process is a critical tool for evaluating how a new hire feels they fit in the organization. Ensuring values, beliefs and work ethics align with those of the organization is vital for long-term retention. Early identification of any misalignment can lead to better decisions about fit and potential adjustments.


Recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions can have a significant impact on their satisfaction and commitment. A positive onboarding process can include an introduction to the organization’s recognition and rewards programs, motivating physicians to strive for excellence and remain with the organization.

Investing in a positive onboarding process not only reduces physician turnover but also benefits the healthcare organization by maintaining a consistent level of care and a stable workforce. By focusing on the onboarding experience, recruiters can create an environment where physicians want to stay, contribute and thrive. Ultimately, a positive onboarding process is an essential tool in building a cohesive and committed healthcare team.


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