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3 ways to help your new hire prepare to move


Support your hire and their families as they relocate to your community. Posted by Megan Trippi
Support your hire and their families as they relocate to your community.

Throughout your career, you’ve probably had many physicians relocate for your opportunity; possibly even decline an offer; or not see your organization as a good fit based on the community, move or their family. If you’ve ever relocated - even just moved houses in the same area - you know it can be stressful with many details to consider.

Your potential hires feel this same stress with their relocation. However, you can play an important role in their move and help ease the burden of some aspects of the process.


Relocation assistance

Not every organization is able to provide relocation assistance, but if you can, it might set your offer apart from that of other opportunities since financial pressures can stack up while preparing to sell a house and purchase another. Your hire might need to make visits to look for homes or have their family visit and see different areas; they may have two mortgages until they can sell their current home and will need to hire movers or find a way to move their family to their new community.

If you’re able to provide assistance, you could hire movers for your recruit to reduce their stress and take one item off their already full plate.

Setting them up with a Realtor - especially a trusted one your staff has used before - will also reduce some of the anxiety of relocation.


Include the family

When a physician moves, they oftentimes have more than themselves to consider. It’s important to think about their significant other and potential children. Their spouse may need to find a new job, will have an important say in the neighborhood and home to which they move and the entire family will need to think about schools in the area.

When you discuss the position, don’t direct all conversations only to the physician. Be sure to share information relevant to their spouse and family, and possibly provide resources or information that would be beneficial leading up to - and during - relocation.


Familiarize the family with the community

Your potential hire will most likely want to know where to eat, get their groceries, send their kids to school and get out when they have time off. You can help by making a list of suggestions and places you and other staff members like.

You can also help them get acquainted with the area and others by introducing them to other physicians in their specialty, with similar interests, kids around the same age or who will work with them often.

When recruiting physicians who need to relocate, think of what you would like help with during a move and try to support them in the same way. Being a physician is already stressful, so help your new hire prepare for their move and focus more on their new role rather than worry about everything they need to do leading up to it.


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