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How to gauge physician candidate interest


Understanding how to gauge physician candidate interest effectively is critical. As physician recruiters, the ability to discern genuine interest from casual inquiries can streamline the hiring process, save resources and ultimately lead to successful, long-term placements. Here are some strategies to help you assess the level of interest of physician candidates more accurately: Initial communication Initial communication with a candidate can provide substantial clues about their interest. Pay attention to how quickly and thoroughly a candidate responds to your messages. Candidates who are ....


Read PracticeLink articles by Megan Trippi Megan Trippi

How to help physician candidates after training


Fresh on the job board after enduring years of medical training, newly minted physicians may not know it yet, but they need your help. Maybe it’s something reticent like overlooking the format of their resume or perhaps something compassionate like offering helpful advice for the road ahead. Either way, candidates have spent years relying only on themselves. As a physician recruiter, you have the opportunity to show them they’re not alone. Below are a few ideas on how to help physician candidates after training and succeed in their first practice. Financial awareness During onboard....


Read PracticeLink articles from Georgia Scott Georgia Scott

The future of physician employment


It would be simple if physician recruiters could do open hiring, where the first person to apply for a position gets the job - regardless of experience. Unfortunately, that only works when hiring at orchards and rock quarries. In the world of healthcare, who you hire can reverberate shockwaves through an organization and its surrounding patient community. For thoughtful, methodical recruitment, physician recruiters are compelled to scout based on competency - identifying candidates whose skills and values align with the organization’s needs, mission and vision. Over the next few years, h....


Read PracticeLink articles from Georgia Scott Georgia Scott

Recruiting physicians for academic medicine


When the average person pictures the path of a physician, they most likely assume the physician attends medical school, goes through residency, and then begins treating patients at a hospital or a private facility. While this may be a more typical career lifecycle for many physicians, there are also countless numbers of highly successful healthcare professionals who found a love and career in academic medicine. Every physician that a patient has ever visited was once under the tutelage of an expert in their field, one who possessed the natural talent and skill to explain complicated subjects ....


Read PracticeLink articles from Stephen Leggitt Stephen Leggitt

Using social media to search for physician candidates


With the invention of social media came a monumental shift in how you can scout and retain potential candidates. More and more physician recruiters are turning to social media to look for new candidates fresh out of residency. This change has brought a lot of success and a lot of needed fluidity as the social media landscape ebbs and flows. Knowing it is an open landscape for finding recruits, here are some ways you can start using social media to search for physician candidates: Build your presence  If a physician is searching for jobs in your general area and seeking out recruiters, wil....


Read PracticeLink articles from Stephen Leggitt Stephen Leggitt

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