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A closer look at physician noncompetes


The ability to recruit and secure top talent can be a game-changer for health care organizations. In their quest to retain their valuable recruits, many organizations turn to noncompete agreements as a means of protecting their investments. But should you include noncompete agreements in physician contracts? The pros Noncompete agreements can help health care organizations protect their investments in recruiting and training physicians. They discourage newly hired physicians from leaving for competing practices or hospitals shortly after being hired. Noncompetes can help maintain patient relat....



Collaborating with contract attorneys


While recruiters play a crucial role in connecting talented physicians with the right opportunities within their healthcare organization, when it comes to finalizing physician contracts and ensuring a smooth hiring process, working with attorneys is often essential. The role of attorneys in physician recruitment Attorneys bring a particular set of skills and expertise to the table during the physician recruitment process. They help ensure the legal aspects of physician employment contracts and the hiring process adhere to all relevant laws and regulations. Their roles can include: Attorneys ....


Read articles by Jackie Farley Jackie Farley

Negotiating physician contracts


Have you ever met a physician who wants to negotiate a different deal than what your organization is offering? He or she has a list of demands that would reshape your agreement significantly. If so, you’ll likely appreciate a recent PracticeLink Magazine article that provides a look at the process, with a critical heads-up as to what can be negotiated versus what must be left on the table. Organizational differences An organization’s size and structure really do matter in terms of what can or can’t be negotiated. As the article notes, the larger, more complicated the h....



The elements of a physician contract


By the time you’ve walked with a candidate through the recruitment process and made a job offer, the contract may sound like it’s just the finishing touch. But contracts can make or break an otherwise appealing offer. If the work expectations, pay potential or other terms don’t look on paper like what the physician pictured, it may be back to the recruitment drawing board. Familiarizing yourself with the components of a physician contract can help you avoid this scenario, ensuring all promised perks are reflected in print and preparing you to better answer candidates&rsq....



Physician contract mistakes to avoid


When it comes to negotiating physician contracts, it’s essential to approach the process with care and conscientiousness. Making mistakes at this critical stage can lead to costly repercussions and lost opportunities. Here are some common mistakes to avoid to ensure smooth and successful negotiations: Failing to understand individual needs Each candidate is unique, with different financial, personal and professional goals. One of the most significant mistakes you can make is to assume all physicians have the same needs or priorities. Offering a generic, one-size-fits-all contract may a....


Read articles by Jackie Farley Jackie Farley

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