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November 20, 2023

Showing value to physician hires

A physician recruiter’s role doesn’t end with the initial placement of a candidate. Being a valuable resource for your new physician hires can significantly contribute to their success and satisfaction at the organization. Here are some simple ways you can offer support and show value to new hires:


  1. Personalize the onboarding process.

Personalize the onboarding experience by tailoring it to the physician’s unique needs and preferences. You can do this by taking their background, specialties and career goals into consideration.

  1. Offer guidance on the organization culture.

Offer insights into the organizational culture and values. Helping new physicians understand the ethos of the workplace from the beginning will foster a sense of belonging and alignment with the institutions’ mission.

  1. Facilitate networking opportunities.

Introduce new hires to key individuals withing the organization. Arrange networking opportunities with colleagues, department heads and other medical staff to help foster professional relationships. Consider hosting a dinner for the physician and their family or throwing a welcome party so the staff will have a chance to meet the newcomer.

  1. Offer resource navigation.

Act as a guide in navigating the various resources available within the organization. This could include helping physicians understand the administrative processes, accessing support staff and utilizing technological tools effectively.

  1. Provide career path consultation.

Don’t hesitate to engage in discussions about the physician’s long-term career goals. Be willing to offer guidance on potential career paths within the organization, professional development opportunities and ways to achieve their aspirations.

  1. Keep communication going.

Keep the lines of communication open with new physicians. Check in with them on a regular basis to address any concerns, answer questions and ensure they feel supported in their role.

  1. Provide problem resolution support.

Act as a liaison between the physician and the organization. Be proactive about identifying, addressing and resolving any challenges that may arise. Demonstrate that you have a continuing commitment to their success.

  1. Offer professional development opportunities.

Keep new physicians informed about professional development opportunities, conferences and workshops. This demonstrates your commitment to their ongoing growth while fostering a culture of continuous learning.

  1. Give recognition and acknowledgement.

Whether it’s a successful case, positive patient feedback or reaching a work anniversary, be willing to celebrate achievements and milestones in the physician’s career. Recognizing these accomplishments boosts morale and reinforces their value to the organization.

  1. Implement wellness and work-life balance initiatives.

Support physicians by advocating for wellness initiatives such as stress management programs, access to counseling services or activities promoting work-life balance. Striking a healthy balance will improve a physician’s overall job satisfaction and well-being and help prevent physician burnout.

  1. Provide a pathway for feedback.

Establish clear feedback channels to understand the physician’s experience within the organization, and then utilize this feedback to continually improve your recruitment and onboarding processes.

  1. Remember the personal touches.

Keep in mind that assisting relocating physicians in acclimating to the area, as well as your healthcare organization, can be a tremendous help. Recommend restaurants, provide gift cards to local shops, aid them in gathering information on housing and schools and suggest local activities they may enjoy. Pay attention to the little things  outside the work environment that can greatly impact their assimilation into their new position and homebase.


The role of a physician recruiter extends far beyond the recruitment phase. By actively contributing to the success and well-being of new hires, you not only strengthen their professional journey, but you also help create a positive work environment for your organization - all while building lasting relationships with the physicians you have helped place.

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Jackie Farley

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