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November 6, 2023

Nurturing your new physician

Hiring a new physician and filling an opening is a significant milestone for any facility. After an extensive selection process and the presentation of a compelling offer, the candidate has signed on the dotted line. This is the moment of transition from prospect to valued team member. However, the process doesn’t end with a signature; it’s just the beginning. Ensuring a smooth and welcoming transition for your new physician is crucial. Here’s what to do after the candidate signs:

  1. Welcome immediately

The moment your new physician signs the offer, make them feel valued and appreciated. Send a personalized welcome email or even a handwritten note. Express your excitement about their joining the team and provide a warm welcome. This initial touchpoint sets the tone for their entire onboarding experience and reaffirms their decision to choose your organization.

  1. Communicate clearly

Effective communication is essential during the transition period. Provide your new physician with a detailed onboarding plan, including information about their first day, orientation schedule and any pre-employment requirements. A well-structured plan demonstrates your commitment to their success and ensures they have all the necessary information to hit the ground running.

  1. Assign a buddy or mentor

Assigning an experienced physician as a mentor or buddy can significantly ease the transition process. This mentor can provide insights, answer questions and help the new physician acclimate to the organization’s culture and practices. Having someone to turn to for guidance can make a new physician feel more at ease.

  1. Host orientation

The first day at a new job can be overwhelming, so it’s crucial to create a positive experience. On the orientation day, introduce your new physician to key team members, provide an overview of the facility and go over essential policies and procedures.

  1. Provide resources

Ensure your new physician has all the necessary resources and tools to perform their job effectively. This includes access to electronic health records, medical equipment and administrative support. Make it clear who to contact for IT issues, ordering supplies and any other practical matters.

  1. Hold a welcome lunch or reception

Hosting a welcome lunch or reception for the new physician is an excellent way to break the ice and foster a sense of belonging. Invite colleagues and staff to meet the new team member and make them feel included in the community. It’s a wonderful opportunity to socialize and establish connections.

  1. Offer training and education

Physicians are always learning, and your new hire is no exception. Discuss the organization’s approach to continuing medical education and how they can stay updated on the latest developments in their field. Consider providing financial support or time off for conferences or training courses.

  1. Keep open lines of communication

Encourage your new physician to express any concerns, questions or feedback. Make sure they know who to contact for HR-related issues and medical concerns. An open and accessible communication channel is critical for building trust and ensuring their well-being.

  1. Embrace diversity and inclusion

It’s essential to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace. Make sure your new physician understands your organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion and that they feel welcome regardless of their background. Encourage them to share their unique perspectives to enrich your practice’s culture.

  1. Set clear expectations

Clearly define the physician’s role, responsibilities and performance expectations. It’s vital for both parties to be on the same page about what success looks like. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help ensure alignment and identify areas for improvement.

  1. Integrate into the community

If your new physician is relocating for the job, help them integrate into the local community. Provide information about housing, schools, and local amenities. This support can greatly ease their transition and make them feel more at home.

  1. Encourage work-life balance

Physicians often work demanding schedules, but it’s essential to encourage a healthy work-life balance. Ensure your new physician knows about the organization’s policies regarding time off, maternity or paternity leave and any wellness programs or resources available.

  1. Seek feedback and adapt

Gathering feedback from your new physician about their onboarding experience is vital. Ask for their input on what went well and what could be improved. Use this feedback to refine your onboarding process for future hires.

  1. Celebrate milestones

Recognize and celebrate your new physician’s achievements and milestones. Whether it’s their first successful surgery, a year with the organization or a professional accomplishment, these celebrations can boost morale and foster a positive work environment.

  1. Provide ongoing support

Support shouldn’t end once the initial onboarding period is over. Continue to provide resources, mentorship and opportunities for growth throughout their tenure. This ongoing support helps your physician feel valued and invested in their professional development.

A thoughtful and comprehensive onboarding process demonstrates your commitment to your providers’ well-being and professional growth. After all, a happy and well-supported physician is more likely to provide the best care possible.

Read PracticeLink articles by Megan Trippi

Megan Trippi

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