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August 29, 2023

Interviewing millennial and Gen Z physicians

The field of medicine is experiencing a significant transformation, not only in terms of advancements in technology and medical techniques but also in the diverse generational perspectives shaping the profession. As the torch passes from one generation to the next, the healthcare industry finds itself at a crossroads. So how can you navigate the generational divide when interviewing millennial and Gen Z physicians?

Embrace technology

One of the most distinguishing features of millennial and Gen Z physicians is their innate familiarity with technology. Having grown up during the digital revolution, these generations effortlessly integrate technology into their medical practice. Dr. Maya Patel, a millennial pediatrician, notes, “We’re using electronic health records, telemedicine and even AI-powered diagnostic tools. These technologies enhance patient care and streamline processes, making healthcare more accessible and efficient.”

Unlike previous generations, millennial and Gen Z physicians don’t see technology as a threat but as a tool that complements their clinical expertise. Dr. Aiden Chen, a Gen Z surgical resident, expresses his enthusiasm for utilizing technology: “From virtual reality simulations for surgical training to wearable health-monitoring devices, technology empowers us to push the boundaries of medical knowledge and patient care.”

Take a holistic approach to patient-centered care

The generational shift is also reflected in how these young physicians approach patient care. While previous generations often followed a more paternal model, millennial and Gen Z physicians emphasize collaborative and patient-centered care. Dr. Emily Carter, a millennial family medicine practitioner, emphasizes, “We value open communication with patients. It’s not just about giving orders; it’s about building a partnership where patients actively participate in their healthcare decisions.”

This shift towards holistic care is rooted in the understanding that patients are not merely recipients of medical treatment but active participants in their health journeys. Gen Z physician Dr. Jordan Lee highlights the importance of empathy: “We grew up in a world that encouraged empathy and understanding. This translates into our medical practice, where we strive to connect with patients on a deeper level, considering their emotional and mental well-being alongside physical health.”

Encourage work-life balance

Another notable aspect of millennial and Gen Z physicians is their emphasis on achieving a healthy work-life balance. Previous generations often embraced a more rigid work ethic, while the younger physicians prioritize self-care and mental health. Dr. Liam Davis, a millennial psychiatrist, explains, “We recognize the toll that long working hours and burnout can have on both ourselves and patient care. By taking care of our well-being, we can provide better, more sustainable care in the long run.”

Gen Z physicians take this even further, valuing flexibility and remote work options. Dr. Sofia Ramirez, a Gen Z dermatologist, elaborates, “Our digital upbringing enables us to work efficiently from various locations. This flexibility not only improves our own quality of life but also allows us to reach patients who might face barriers to in-person care.”

Drive advocacy and innovation

Millennial and Gen Z physicians are also more likely to be engaged in advocacy and healthcare innovation. Dr. David Nguyen, a millennial oncologist, says, “We’ve witnessed the power of social media and networking in bringing attention to important healthcare issues. Many of us are actively involved in advocating for policies that improve patient access and equity.”

Innovation is also a driving force. With fresh perspectives, these young physicians are keen on exploring new treatment modalities and research avenues. Dr. Mia Thompson, a Gen Z researcher in genetics, states, “We’re eager to challenge the status quo and explore novel approaches. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences lead to innovative solutions that can reshape the medical landscape.”

Bridge the generational gap

The coexistence of different generations in the medical field presents an opportunity for mutual learning and collaboration. Dr. Patel reflects, “While we bring technological fluency and modern approaches, we also recognize the wisdom and experience of older colleagues. It’s a two-way street, where we learn from each other’s strengths.”

The key to effective collaboration lies in open communication and respect for each other’s viewpoints. Workshops, mentorship programs, and interdisciplinary projects can foster a positive environment where generational differences are celebrated rather than seen as barriers.


Interviewing millennial and Gen Z physicians provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of healthcare. As the generational divide navigates this dynamic shift, embracing the collective wisdom and unique contributions of each generation can pave the way for a brighter future in healthcare.

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Megan Trippi

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