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August 23, 2023

How to allow physician candidates to be themselves

As a physician recruiter, you understand the important role a candidate’s CV and application materials play in their initial introduction to prospective employers. However, it’s equally crucial for candidates to convey that same authenticity and personality during their interview as they do on paper.

As you offer advice to physician candidates, consider sharing these key strategies to help them convey during their interview that they are the same person who captured the interviewer’s attention on paper.

Be self-aware

Before candidates head into their interviews, urge them to take a little time for self-reflection. Encourage them to contemplate their core values, professional goals and what motivates their drive to be in medicine. Emphasize the importance of knowing oneself better, as this will help them express their motivation more clearly during the interview process. Being authentic starts with understanding who they are and what they can offer as physicians.

Be consistent

When candidates share their stories and experiences on paper, remind them consistency is key. Their CV, cover letter and application materials should paint a cohesive picture of the path they’ve taken as medical professionals. Advise them to align the anecdotes and responses they share during their interview with what they’ve highlighted on paper. Having a consistent narrative will help convey honesty and credibility.


TIP: Have your candidates check out by PracticeLink for free templates, tips or writing their CV and more.


Be honest

Honesty and transparency are essential when it comes to addressing areas for growth as physicians. Encourage candidates to be honest about any weaknesses in their application. Let them know that addressing these weak points during the interview is an opportunity to showcase a proactive approach to improvement and an all-important willingness to learn. Stress that interviewers appreciate candidates who are willing to acknowledge their limitations and are committed to self-improvement.

Be informed

Encourage candidates to express a real interest in the organization they are applying to and the potential team they may work with. Nudge them to conduct in-depth research on the institution’s mission statement, values, and recent accomplishments. This will enable them to ask insightful questions during the interview, which in turn helps to reflect their enthusiasm for joining the organization. Demonstrating knowledge and showing interest will underscore their commitment to becoming an integral part of the team.

Be yourself

Strong interpersonal skills are crucial in the medical field. During interviews, encourage candidates to lead with their personality - maintain eye contact, smile and interact with their interviewers. Advise them to be warm, respectful and approachable. Building positive rapport with the interviewers will enhance their chances of making a memorable impression.

Be calm

Nervousness is to be expected in interview settings. Suggest that candidates practice potential interview scenarios with friends or mentors to boost their confidence. They can’t be authentic unless they feel composed and comfortable in their own skin. Assure them that it’s okay to take a moment to collect their thoughts before answering challenging questions.


The bottom line is, it’s not enough to be "good on paper." Being the same person during their job interview as they are on paper is a powerful way to stand out as a strong, authentic candidate. Likewise, a physician recruiter who has the ability to guide candidates toward showing their true selves is an invaluable asset - both to the candidate and the organization they represent.

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Jackie Farley

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