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October 19, 2020

Have your candidates thought of that?

Physicians fresh out of residency may be overwhelmed by the many choices available to them - from working in a small rural practice to stepping into a bustling multispecialty practice, to being in the front lines of a cutting-edge trauma center. Also dominating their thoughts are the more attention-getting issues such as salary or growth potential.
But what new candidates don’t always recognize is that at the end of the workday, satisfaction often depends more on whether they’ve made the right fit, and less on the more glamorous factors. Helping them to focus on some of the more mundane aspects of the decision just may help them identify their ideal direction.
Here are five questions to help your candidate identify their best practice model.
Question 1: Where’s your focus?
Remembering a family member’s battle with cancer may have been a physician’s initial motivator, but their more recent fellowship at a rural clinic may have outshone their early-formed interest in cancer research. Some physicians cling to an early vision of what led them into medicine, which is often admirable. But is it still a realistic vision for them today?
Question 2: How do you like to solve problems?
Some people thrive on working with others, bouncing ideas around and collaborating. Others like to hit the computer to analyze research or past cases. A physician never practices in a vacuum, so it’s best to identify where the best opportunities exist for your candidate’s preferred style of professional engagement. From a highly populated practice group or hospital to a more focused, smaller practice, it’s important to think about how access to colleagues fits into their plans.

Use these five questions to guide your candidates toward their ideal practice model.
Question 3: What other commitments are on your plate?
The entrepreneurial bug has bitten many recent graduates today, who aspire to someday add a side job or consulting gig to their clinical duties. Also, gone are the days where a physician will compliantly work around the clock, seldom interacting with their young family at home. Flexibility of scheduling can make one model shine above the rest.
Question 4: What management style do you prefer?
Some physicians only respect managerial decisions that are handed down from other physicians. Others are fine with any type of managerial board. Still others seek out employment models where the practicing physicians have - or will eventually have - a significant say in the way things run. Meshing with the management style in place can make a difference in a physician’s longevity on the job.
Question 5: Do you like to mingle, network and do self-promotion?
Self-marketing is something people either enjoy or dread. Some employment models, such as smaller practice groups or multispecialty groups hoping to expand their reach, may expect the physician to get out and bring in new clients. Other models may have an established base or an effective referral system in place, minimizing the pressure of self-promotion. Knowing up front where a candidate stands on networking can help drive their direction.
Swaying a candidate one way or another can be delicate work - you don’t want to raise a question that’s going to send your star candidate packing, yet there’s no point in investing everyone’s time on the wrong fit. Encouraging your candidates to take a deep dive into where they’d best fit can make your hiring process more efficient, something which will ultimately benefit everyone involved.

Use these five questions to guide your candidates toward their ideal practice model.

Debbie Swanson

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