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September 18, 2024

PracticeLink quarterly updates from the President

Dear friend of PracticeLink,

From mid-year check-ins to summer vacations, this time of year is prime for a refresh.

And just as the health care landscape is ever-changing, at PracticeLink, we too believe in continuous improvement. Just as you stay on top of the latest advancements in your field, we’re committed to providing you with the most efficient and user-friendly tools for success.

With that in mind, we’re pleased to invite you to experience the recently refreshed This strategic update is designed to enhance the recruitment experience of both recruiters and health care providers. We’ve refined the website’s navigation and streamlined
access to critical resources, such as our award-winning magazine for physicians.

We understand the unique hurdles you face in today’s environment, and PracticeLink remains dedicated to providing solutions and resources that empower you to overcome them.

Thank you for choosing PracticeLink. We look forward to continuing this journey with you, empowered by tools that reflect our shared commitment to progress.


Ken Allman

Ken Allman

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